Pioneering Liver Transplantation with Focus on Immune Compatibility

The Norwegian Complement Research Group is extending its translational focus by leading a groundbreaking advancement in liver transplantation that could benefit more patients by 2025. By developing cutting-edge liver machine perfusion technology (liver machine perfusion outside the body and prior to transplantation), we aim to enhance the viability of extended criteria donor (ECD) livers, which are often deemed unsuitable for transplantation.

In a first step, we explore assessment of ECD livers beyond state-of-the art, including newly develped biosensors, AI-driven approaches and tissue specific surveillance.  A unique aspect of our research is the evaluation of the machine perfusion’s effects on the complement system, a critical component of the innate immune system.  Understanding this response leads in a second step to modulation of  this immune response. We regard this as vital for improving the success rates of these transplants.

In addition, we collaborate with various research groups in Norway and Europe to increase the chances of transplantability even more. A newly published news article about the promises of translating characteristics from a Norwegian fish to machine perfusion with the aim to improve mitochondrial viability has been published here.

Transplantation - From Fish to Human

These innovative approaches promise to make more livers accessible for transplantation while minimizing the risk of immune-related complications. We are proud of our team’s role in hopefully transforming transplantation practices and providing new hope to patients in need of life-saving procedures.

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