Barratt-Due, Andreas

Senior Researcher/Senior Consultant


Education: MD, PhD

E-mail: andreas.barrattdue[at]


Focus: Systemic inflammatory response, sepsis and complement therapeutics.


Andreas Barratt-Due is a senior consultant in anaesthesiology and critical care medicine at Oslo University Hospital. In 2012 he finished his PhD focusing on innate immunity and specifically on the complement system in relation to sepsis and septic shock. Later he has worked as postdoc and senior researcher in the NCRG, especially interested in translational research bringing basal science closer to the clinic. He aim to bridge the complement research laboratory to a spectrum of patients suffering dysregulation of the complement system where his focus is on pathophysiology, diagnostics and complement inhibition treatment. He is part of a global research network focusing on immunocompromised patients and intensive care management (The Nine-I-investigation group). In the NCRG he is main supervisor for 1 PhD-student and he is important as a link between the clinic and the laboratory as a translational medical reseracher.

Projects affiliated to

Role of Complement in Human Disease

The dual role of complement and CD14 in inflammation

Complement-related sterile inflammation

Cardiac arrest and therapeutic hypothermia

Complement, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis

Complement in inflammation and coagulation



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