Brekke, Ole-Lars
Professor/Senior Consultant/Deputy Bodø
Education: MD, PhD
E-mail: Ole.Lars.Brekke[at]nordlandssykehuset.no
Focus: The role of complement in thromboinflammation.
- Topic Leader in:
- Complement, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis
I am a professor/senior researcher/Deputy at the Norwegian Complement Research Group and Department senior consultant in medical biochemistry at the Diagnostic Clinic, Nordland Hospital Trust, Bodø, Norway. I am appointed as professor at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, UiT, The Arctic University of Tromsø, Norway.
My overall research aims are (1) to describe the role of complement, CD14 and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in thromboinflammation and (2) to attenuate the thromboinflammation using highly specific inhibitors of the complement system, complement receptors, CD14 and TLRs.
- Project leader – 3 year project funded by the North Norwegian Health authorities (2023-2025) – 574 TNOK
- Project leader – Post. doc. project supported by the North Norwegian Health authorities (2019-2022) – 3.47 MNOK
- Project leader – 3 year project funded by the North Norwegian Health authorities (2020-2022) – 510 TNOK
- Project leader – short time project funded by the North Norwegian Health authorities (2019-2020)- 269 TNOK
- Several smaller grants from the research fund at Nordland Hospital – 2020
I am the main supervisor of 2 PhD students, 1 PostDoc and mentor for 1 researcher.